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Elegy formed in 2018 at Italia Conti Acting, and have been making new writing ever since.


We make small intimate shows about big sprawling ideas, which respond to the world we are living in. Our work seeks to make space for disruptive new narratives and voices that challenge people and institutions to make change and create the world we want to see; our performances are vivid, visceral experiences, melding spoken word, drama, & multimedia techniques to create atmospheric pieces with an emotional core. We spend a long time developing our scripts, then work on them as an ensemble. Elegy has a small core team, consisting of Matthew Gouldesbrough, Carol Lesley-Green, Hannah Morrision, Madison Gerringer, Alamo Perez, and Patrick Medway, and then has a network of friends and colleagues.


In addition, the company runs a semi regular scratch night, ‘HATCH’ at the Golden Goose Theatre in Camberwell, where it curates the freshest new writing, music and poetry to produce new writing nights for up and coming early career creatives, to give them a chance to showcase and network.

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